Weird dream with Gloryfield

I had a weird dream tonight. I was going to attend a rehearsal with Gloryfield. Our drummer came to my place with his car to be pick me up. We drove to the rehearsal room, but I forgot half of my equipment. There were many people I had not expected, some of them I’ve never seen before. Some of them came to introduce themselves because they wanted to sing and play in our band. So, it was all in all a nice and exciting situation. Diana was there, she presented some photographs / artwork / flyers as promotion material. Still I was worried because I forgot to bring my cables and FX, but luckily, Michel was also there!! What was that guy doing here?? I felt totally confused. Anyway, he solved my problem, because – as usual – he had everything with him. :)
At the same time, I felt a little jealous… I mean, what the HELL is that guy doing here?? Is he going to steal my band??!! ;-)

posted on Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

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